If you’ve been given the option to decide if you want to work from home or continue going into an office setting there are several things to consider. There are pros and cons to working from home versus going in every day, let’s explore them.
Trading Spaces
Chances are good that your place of employment has your office or cubicle set up for efficiency. That means an ergonomic chair that promotes lumbar support, proper lighting, and easy access to all of the equipment you’ll need in order to do your job. If you elect to work from home, your employer might send a computer and office supplies to you, but you’ll be in charge of creating your own work area in your abode. This can become a challenge if you have limited space, or limited desire to invest in lighting and equipment so you can get things done easier.
Management Experience
People often list “time management” and “leadership” in the special skills section of their resumes but working alone from home requires a heaping helping of both of those things. You have to know when to keep going, and when to stop on your own. H.V. MacArthur, contributor at Forbes recommends, “Instead of leaving your calendar as a blank open slate for others to populate, set your time up to support getting work done. Every Friday, spend time plotting chunks of focused time in advance for you to meet the demands of the projects or responsibilities you’re managing for the next two weeks. Treat the time as a locked meeting the same way you would if you were meeting others.”

Living Arrangements
Do you live alone, or with five bloodhounds who bark every time the wind blows, or maybe you split the rent with an elderly hard-of-hearing metal guitarist who practices every day from 10 am until she’s tired? Either way, if you live with other beings who are home during your working hours, they need to be considerate if you’re on live meetings for work, or if your job requires quiet. If you have a noisy residence, but you want to work there any way, plugging a pair of earbuds or headphones into your computer goes a long way with helping you to be heard, and to stay focused.
Commuting to the Next Room
If you typically use your drive home to decompress, working remotely may have a big disadvantage for you. You don’t want to get burnt out or feel like you never get that time to unwind from your stressful day. If you find yourself missing that alone time, try taking a short drive around your neighborhood to shake the tension. Alternatively, if it’s a haul to and from work every day, ceasing those round trips can save you time and gas money.
Just like anything, working from home isn’t for everyone. If your presented with the option, you should weigh the positives and negatives, and maybe ask for a trial period to see if it’s for you.