Once you’ve decided to work from home, finding a little quiet area dedicated solely to your own private workspace can be tricky. You want it to be functional, and comfortable, but if you don’t have a lot of spare room in your house, you may find yourself working from the kitchen table. Luckily, making a home office doesn’t have to take up a lot of space or money.
The desk you use every day has a big impact on the size of your workspace. If you’ve picked out a cozy corner of your home to set up a home office, a floating wall mounted desk may be right for you. If your family already has a dedicated room you share as a computer room/home office, an L-shaped desk may be a great option for you. This kind of desk allows you plenty of room to set up two separate work areas.
If you need storage, but don’t want a bunch of metal filing cabinets hanging around your abode, you can buy something a little more aesthetically pleasing with a furniture look. You can get a rolling filing cabinet with a walnut finish, something small and wicker, or lateral washed oak. Really those are just the tip of the iceberg. If you don’t have a lot of floor space to have filing cabinets hanging around, consider hanging shelves and files for your storage.

There’s a good chance your rear end is going to spend a substantial amount of the day parked in a seat, so you may want to invest in something comfy. If you already have an office chair and aren’t looking to shell out money for a new one, consider buying a support cushion to help make your work day more comfortable. If you’re in the market for a new chair, look for something that is ergonomic and practical. Maxine Builder and Dominique Pariso at New York Magazine have compiled a list of the best chairs available, according to different medical professionals. If you’re trying to camouflage your home office corner in the living room or some other part of the house, consider one of these stylish desk chairs.
There is a fine balance when it comes to workspace lighting. You don’t want the light to be behind you, where it will reflect off your monitor. You don’t want it to be too dim, or too harsh. Opening up the blinds and letting in some natural light is always a good option. If you’re finding yourself struggling to look for better lighting, try a desk lamp. You can get LED, or fluorescent.
Making the transition to working from home can be exciting, but make sure you keep your work in one area, so home time doesn’t start to feel like work time.